Guangzhou City Huazhidun Leather Ltd.,Ltd is an original manufacturer of fireproof document bags and battery safe bags. We are located in Guangzhou City, China. Founded in 2020 but we have been in this filed since 2007, we are the first manufacturer of fireproof document bags in China. Now the factory area is 500 square meters, more than 30 workers, and the monthly output is more than 30 000pcs.
- 深圳市龙华新区大浪利扬达新能源电子厂[图]
- 深圳龙岗区盛龙五金模具厂[图]
- 深圳市凯乐美科技有限公司[图]
- 东莞市镭贝森光电科技有限公司[图]
- 东莞市威立雅水处理设备有限公司[图]
- 中山市瑞芯电子有限公司[图]
- 中山市中恒生物燃料有限公司[图]
- 深圳市瑞达电源有限公司[图]
- 深圳市柏盛高科技有限公司[图]
- 佛山市顺德区曾键电器科技有限公司[图]